authors: Sandra Castro, Serafina Paladino, Aron D, Lynn Felicia Mbeiza

translation: Selina Zhao

Italy's Independence Day


It was difficult to choose one particular day or celebration that represents Italian independence in its entirety, and so I have decided to focus on Liberation Day, referred to as "Festa della liberazione" in Italy. Liberation Day, also known as the Anniversary of the Resistance, is celebrated annually on April 25th to commemorate the end of the fascist regime under Mussolini as well as the Nazi occuption that Italians were subjected to during World War II. This celebration stands as an important moment in history that should not be forgotten in the light of the rise of far-right extremism in Europe and the rest of the world. Even if you are not from Italy, I view the nation's independence day as one that commemorates a victory that is universal for the preservation of freedom and democracy in contemporary times. 

很难选择一个特别的日期或者是特别重要的日期去说明意大利完全独立,所以我决定来说意大利解放日,在意大利被叫做"Festa della liberazione"。意大利纪念日也叫抵抗运动纪念日,是在每年4月25举行。是为了纪念法西斯政权的结束,以及在二战期间,意大利人民遭受纳粹的欺压。这个纪念日是历史性时刻,所以不能被遗忘,尤其对于那些欧洲极端主义国家以及世界上的其他国家。即使你不是意大利人,我也觉得这个国家的独立日是为了纪念当代维护自由和民主的普遍性。

Brazil's Independence Day


In the year of 1822, on September 7th, the Independence of Brazil was declared. Until then considered the Kingdom, and belonging to the Portuguese Kingdom, Brazil and its economic elite diverged from Portugal in what is judged to be free trade interests, which led the Prince Regent of Brazil, D. Pedro I, to declare independence in Brazil. Independent Brazil bulletin structured itself as a monarchy, with D Pedro I being crowned Emperor of Brazil.


A national holiday in the country, September 7th is celebrated throughout Brazil with public parades of the Brazilian Armed Forces and veterans of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force who fought in World War II.


The independence of Brazil means the achievement of the Brazilian nation's autonomy in not subordinating itself to the decisions of Portugal.


Hungary's Independence Day - June 19, 1991


From the perspective of Hungary, World War II had ended in a quite unfortunate way. By 1945 Nazis were driven away from the country by the soviet Red Army, and our country was so-called liberated in a way. However, it only meant that fascism was replaced by a communist regime. This cruel and harsh dictatorial system softened over the years and later Hungary's political system had rather the attributes of socialism than communism. After 44 years of Russian occupation, following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the troops of the Red Army began to leave Hungary, which started in March 1990. The last Russian military units were withdrawn on 19, June, 1991. That is the remarkable historical date when, after decades, Hungary was officially declared to be a democratic republic and was no longer on the eastern side of the Iron Curtain. 


Uganda's Independence.


It was October 9th 1962 when the British union jack was lowered and the Ugandan flag raised for the very first time. It was a day of jubilation as many people gathered at Kololo airstrip to witness the once colonized country become liberated. But how far have we come? What's the real importance of the independence once yearned for?


Independence meant that we'll govern ourselves and to a larger extent yes, we do. But being a third world country means that "independence" may not be fully it. It means we still need to depend on other countries for financial aid for many of our projects.


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