Photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images

The night very few of you have all been waiting for is finally here!

Tonight on contestants from Big Brother USA and Big Brother Canada will throw down in the boxing ring. I hope they got paid up front.

In case you missed my preview for this event, I am covering this spectacle just in case it does a ton of traffic. We missed the boat on that TikTok vs. YouTube thingy, so I am giving this event the absolute least amount of effort just in case it blows up.

I don't know who any of these people are. I have no idea if they can box. But if you're interested in finding out you can watch the video below. The PPV costs $19.99.

Google Amp doesn't like it when we embed things like this, so you might not see the video above. If that's the case you can watch the event here.:

If you are hanging out and watching this event, say hi in the comments below. You can also use the comment section to make fun of me for writing about this event. Or just write whatever you want down there (guidelines permitting). Seen any good movies lately? I was a little disappointed with @Zola. I highly recommend checking out Tangerine, a movie I really enjoyed, for something with a similar theme/tone.

Anyways, Big Brother... Some people actually liked my half-assed preview. I was even offered a free code to watch the event. It starts at 8 PM ET, by the way.

I might watch it. I'm still undecided. I have a toddler, so any time they are sleeping is valuable time I could be sleeping.

I wrote 'live results' in the headline, because that's what we do, but I may just look on twitter for results and add them in here as the event progresses. If that happens, I'll be pretty late with them. There's also a chance I fall asleep and then add the results in early next morning. If there are gifs of anything interesting, I'll stick them in here, too.


Full results:

Veronica 'Vicious V' Doherty vs. Kaycee 'Kool Hands' Clark

Faysal 'Fessy' Shafaat vs. Jon 'The Fessy Hunter' Pardy

Dallas 'D-Train' Cormier vs. Nick 'The Landlord' Maccarone

Godfrey 'The Finesse God' Mangwiza vs. Enzo 'The Meow Meow' Palumbo

Tom 'Tommy Boy' Plant vs. Jeremy 'The Manimal' McGuire