the Meta verse is going to be the new way to connect to social media to the new reality
the trans-human agenda with augmentation implants the new path to immortality

plugged into the matrix you will never have to leave your home spending money and consuming all day
the rat stuck on the wheel your mind and body in another dimension the virtual gateway

predictive programming in the movies this is now our daily reality on the internet
changing the way you think and feel a different mindset

as the technology advances you become more of a robot slave
the mind, body and soul trapped in the meta-verse the human race they enslave

your soul has been stolen now it's trapped inside the machine
the new world order is here the great lock-down welcome to quarantine

we are entering a new age the demonic celebrities preying off the blood of the deceased
walking through the shadow of death the four horsemen speaking to the high priest

man and machine become one the system creating the blue eyed clone
you wake up from the nightmare on an island you enter the unknown

the future of society is changing the beginning of the meta-verse
once you plug into the matrix with your headset you will enter a new universe

Written By Joe Fettig

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