Cupping has been around for centuries, and many people have used it for its claimed health benefits; however, cupping can also be used in the bedroom and would fall under sensation play.

What is cupping?

Cupping is when you use cups, bells, or bowls on the skin through suction. Cupping brings blood to the surface of the skin, which creates intense pressure sensations. The area being cupped will become more sensitive once the cup is removed. There are several different forms of cupping, like dry cupping, fire cupping, and wet cupping.

Dry cupping is relatively easy, and you can buy a dry cupping kit online with a pump that can limit the severity of the cupping on the skin.

Fire cupping uses glass cups and, of course, fire in the form of a flame. When using fire cupping, it is crucial to remember that you want to heat up the air inside the glass cup and not the glass cup itself; the last thing you want is to burn your partner with a hot glass cup. The temperature difference creates a vacuum, so the glass cup itself should not be heated. Always use baby oil when fire cupping; it helps lubricate the skin, which allows it to stick better.

Wet cupping could be either of the first two cupping methods; it, however, requires minor cuts on the skin to pull small amounts of blood from your partner's skin to the surface; wet cupping should only be used if you are experienced in cupping.

As with most BDSM practices, it is best to do as much research as possible and better understand cupping before trying this on a partner. There might even be classes available so that you are better informed. You will even find very informative and helpful videos online regarding cupping.

Erotic dry cupping can be used on all your partner's erogenous zones like the clitoris, buttocks, nipples, breasts, or inner thighs. Cupping increases the blood flow to these sensitive areas, which will make all forms of touch extremely intense. The larger the cup, the more intense the sensation will feel.

Fire cupping is ideal for the back as there is less risk of the cup moving or losing suction, resulting in broken glass all over the floor. It will be perfect to have your partner lay flat, resulting in the best form of suction.

Cupping cups should be placed on the skin for five to ten minutes when you first start cupping; if your partner enjoys it, you can leave them on for extended periods in future sessions. Always test your cupping methods on yourself before trying it out with a partner.