There are power exchange dynamics everywhere around you; if you look close enough, you will see it at work, in public, and of course, at home.

What is power exchange?

Power exchange is often associated with BDSM to describe a Dominance and submission relationship. Still, the difference in D/s relationships is that this is discussed, negotiated, and agreed upon before it becomes part of the relationship. A submissive will surrender control to the Dominant and obey the rules.

Power exchange
Photo by J Taubitz on Unsplash

A Dominant role is seen as strong, authoritative and in control, often associated as masculine. A submissive role is seen as feminine, weak, and in need of guidance; this is furthest from the truth; as I have mentioned above, you are willing to relinquish control over to your partner.

Many male submissives will often hide their submissive side away from partners and friends as they feel they will be judged and treated differently, maybe even considered weak. Unfortunately, many people misunderstand what it means to be submissive.

By being submissive, you allow yourself to be vulnerable with your partner; it takes a lot of trust and acceptance to allow yourself to be this vulnerable in front of someone else and should never be seen as a weakness but as an incredible strength.

A submissive can at anytime withdraw consent, therefore immediately ending the power exchange; even though social norms might portray a submissive partner as the weaker partner, anyone understanding BDSM knows this is furthest from the truth. A proper Dom/me will always see this as the ultimate gift and will take on the responsibility of guiding the power dynamic so that's it is beneficial and rewarding for both partners.

Submission is not a weakness, and a power exchange is between equal partners that understand what each other need to make the relationship work.