Sean Strickland's jabs and quick combination too much for Hall. Sean showed he is a fighter to watch in the UFC middleweight division. Check out the ease with which he lands the left jabs in the first round, Uriah was off to a slow start. Uriah started to get done significant strikes to land at the start of the second round but before long he was back to the default first round position of being on the defensive. Check out the blow to Uriah's nuts by Sean with 50 seconds of the second round to go. Don't think it was intentional ,Hall shifted the leg just as the blow landed, Sean in my opinion aiming for the right leg thigh. Hall's kicking was a great watch, the round house kick at the end of the second round deserves a second look. Come on hit that rewind.

Credit goes to Hall too for quickly getting to his feet after the successful takedowns by Sean. The third round takedown though had a hint of clash of heads there. Lucky Uriah had the horn to thank after being locked in the submission at the end of the third. In the fourth I thought Sean missed a golden chance of ending the bout when he had Hall on the fence after a series of punches only to go for the takedown instead of continuing with the punches. Sean the better fighter deservedly winning on points.