Now I still like looking at a beautiful woman and everything, but while on my vacation I discovered something.
I had the opportunity to go to a whorehouse, but I didn't do that.
It might be true that my personality type wants a connection with somebody before having sex.

But at the age of 35 I also have no longer an interested in starting a relationship anymore.
And back in the day, I was not the kind of boy/man that just wanted to bang anybody.
Now you might ask yourself, why do you not want to start a relationship anymore?

Well in my eyes Woman today are way too demanding, picky and just not fun to be around.
See as someone who was raised by my grandparents, I understood that nobody is perfect.
You start a family with someone that you like and get along with, and you make it work.
Pretty simple right? Oh, not in 2021.
A lot of people will never know the feeling, including myself to build something up with your partner.

The older generations knew what it takes to keep somebody around, so if you do not know talk to them.
I never had high demands in my teens and early 20's, but now that has changed quite a bit.
Too many Women have slept around with too many men, and that is a huge turn off for me.
They being never happy and content is also a thing that grinds my gears.
A man's effort is no longer being appreciated, it has to be Mercedes, it can't be a Peugeot or whatever.

Some other things that I have no longer the patience for anymore is the ones that like to play games or string you along.
I have never liked that of course, but nowadays if I even suspect that is stuff like that is going on it is over before it has even begun.
Just recently, I said Goodbye to a 29-year-old Woman because she was playing games.
And this is something that a lot of men seem to go through when they get older.

I did improve myself throughout the years and if I am still not good enough nope sorry, but I am out.
They only thing that need improvement is making some more money and if that is the thing that modern Woman want I still say no.
It does not matter if I make 2000 a month or 50000 a month, I am not a machine that prints cash and will not accept being used for that.
The last time I checked, I am still a human being and not a robot or a machine.

I wish I could be as awesome as an T-800, but sadly I am not.
And just like saiyans we still have our pride.
The problems with relationships is not just something that is exclusive to Belgium, but this is happening all over the world.
The question you need to ask yourself is what will happen when this continues?
But sadly I can't be bothered anymore at this age, even with a loaded gun pressed against my head.
Does anybody else feel this way?

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