Coming off the heels of NXT Takeover 36 this past Sunday, NXT came to us live from the Capitol Wrestling Center. Rumors have been swelling about the future of NXT, so all eyes were on this week's episode to see what direction the company will be moving in. Let's all take a look at Tuesday night's action.

Million Dollar Celebration for Cameron Grimes

This week's episode of NXT kicked off with the arrival of Ted Dibiase and the new Million Dollar Champion Cameron Grimes. Once in the ring, Dibiase stated that when he came back, he was looking for the next Million Dollar Man. He also said that he sees that in Cameron Grimes. Grimes acknowledged that Dibiase drove him crazy when he first started to come around, but this past weekend, the two of them together took down LA Knight. The celebration commenced with Million Dollar Cameron Grimes bucks falling from the sky.

Ridge Holland vs. Timothy Thatcher

This match was intense from the opening bell. Both men locked up and battled for control. They exchanged European uppercuts in the center of the ring before Holland dropped Thatcher with a shoulder tackle. Holland used his power to gain an early advantage and punish Thatcher. Thatcher tried to battle back and isolate the arm of Holland, before being tossed aside again. Holland nearly decapitated Thatcher with a short-arm clothesline as the match headed to commercial break.

When the action resumed, the two men continued to exchange strikes in the center of the ring. Thatcher landed a huge slam on Holland. Thatcher locked in a single-leg Boston Crab, but Holland was able to break free. Thatcher landed a vicious chop to Holland, but Holland seemed unfazed. Holland countered a dropkick attempt and landed a huge slam for the pinfall win. After the match, Ciampa attempted to check on his partner but was dropped by Holland and Company.

Kayden Carter & Kacy Catanzaro vs. Jacy Jayne & Gigi Dolin

Next up was a match in the Women's tag team division. Carter used her agility early and nearly scored a pinfall with a rollup. She made the tag to Catanzaro, and they sent their opponents to the outside. Dolin nailed Kacy from behind and took the advantage. Jayne made the tag and score a near fall. Jayne and Dolin were able to isolate Catanzaro from her corner. Catanzaro was able to find an opening and make the tag to Carter. Kayden Carter took on both of her opponents and landed big kicks for a near fall. Carter made the tag back to Catanzaro and the duo landed a combination 450 splash for the pinfall win.

Valentina vs. Kay Lee Ray

The longest-reigning Women's Champion in NXT UK history Kay Lee Ray made her NXT in-ring debut on Tuesday. This was an enhancement match to showcase Ray for the fans that might not know of her just yet. She dominated the action from the opening bell before she finished her opponent with a Gory Bomb. A match like this was certainly used to identify Ray as a potential challenger for Raquel Gonzalez right from the jump. I'm sure we are going to be seeing a lot more of Kay Lee Ray in the coming weeks.

Samoa Joe Addresses the NXT Fans

The new and now three-time NXT Champion made his way to the ring to address the fans. Joe stated that this past weekend, he made history by once again becoming the NXT Champion. He said while it should be a time for him to celebrate, he did not show up to celebrate. Joe then issued a challenge for anyone in the locker room to step up to him. His challenge was quickly answered by the arrival of Pete Dunne. Dunne was brief in his message. He told Joe to tell his buddy William Regal to make the match between the two.

Before Joe could even respond to Dunne, they were interrupted by LA Knight. Knight said that he was there to make Joe's decision easy for him. He said that he was there to be the first challenger for Samoa Joe. Dunne took offense to this and threatened Knight not to get in the ring with them. The three men were again interrupted, this time by Kyle O'Reilly. O'Reilly tossed a few insults around, mostly directed to LA Knight. He then told Joe that he has already earned the right to challenge him. O'Reilly was attacked from behind by Ridge Holland. After this everything broke down and Ciampa went after Pete Dunne. In the end, Samoa Joe was standing tall in the ring.

Ted Dibiase Departs

We switch our intentions backstage as Cameron Grimes and Ted Dibiase were leaving the building. Dibiase said that it has been fun, but all good things must come to an end. Dibiase got into his car to leave, and Grimes insisted that he take the Million Dollar Championship with him. As Grimes was walking away, Dibiase called him back and told him that he should keep the title. Grimes was honored but said that the belt seemed different. It was at this moment that Grimes realized that Dibiase switched out the title for a replica. Dibiase laughed as he drove away, and all Grimes could do was smile.

NXT Breakout Tournament Finals

Carmelo Hayes vs. Odyssey Jones

Throughout the night, we heard from both men as they discussed why they would be the ones to win the NXT Breakout Tournament. The time for talk was over as it was time to find a winner. Jones utilized his strength and size advantage early on. He cut Hayes off at every point and sent him from the ring. Hayes tried to battle back but was knocked out of the air by Jones. Jones was standing tall as the match headed to a commercial break.

When the matchup resumed, Hayes had Jones pushed back into the corner. He was working on the leg of Jones. Jones battled back and dropped Hayes in the corner. Hayes tried to wear down Jones with a front headlock in the center of the ring. He landed a big springboard crossbody that did not even knock Jones off his feet. Moments later after a combination of moves, Hayes was able to drop Jones for a near fall. Jones battled back and landed a big slam. He believed he had the match won, but Hayes reversed him into a crucifix pin for the win. With the win, Hayes won the NXT Breakout Tournament.

Hit Row vs. Legado Del Fantasma

The rivalry has been brewing between Legado Del Fantasma and Hit Row for weeks. Things all came to a head-on Tuesday as the teams finally faced off against each other. Legado Del Fantasma attacked Top Dolla three on won before the bell even rang. Hit Row battled back and Top Dolla tossed Santos Escobar into the corner. Escobar made the tag Wilde who was quickly dropped by the members of Hit Row. Adonis made the tag and laid out Wilde on the outside. Hit Row stood tall as the match headed to commercial break.

When the action resumed, Legado Del Fantasma had Swerve Scott isolated from his partners. Legado Del Fantasma made quick tags with each other and battered Scott in their corner. Scott found an opening and finally the tag to Top Dolla. Top Dolla exploded into the match and dropped Santos Escobar with a big knee. He then grabbed all three members of Legado Del Fantasma in an incredible show of strength and slammed them to the mat. Santos Escobar shoved Top Dolla into his partner and then Legado Del Fantasma double teamed Adonis. Mendoza dropped Adonis for a near fall that was broken up by Scott.

The match broke down and Scott and Escobar were the two men left in the ring. Scott landed a 450 splash, but somehow Santos Escobar kicked out at two. Escobar dropped Scott on the apron, but when the referee was distracted, B-Fab pushed Escobar into the ring post. Elektra Lopez came to ringside and dropped B-Fab with a steel pipe. She then tossed the object to Scott. When Scott was explaining to the referee that he had nothing to do with it, Santos scored a roll-up for the pinfall win.

Final Thoughts

This was a solid edition of NXT coming off a Takeover event. There have been a lot of rumors surrounding NXT lately, that the company would use the brand as strictly developmental. Based on this week's edition, those rumors could not be confirmed. There are still questions on who will be next in challenging for the NXT title, but I'm sure that picture will clear up in the coming weeks. We were treated to another exciting main event, as we have gotten used to with NXT. Next week, the new NXT UK champion Ilja Dragunov will make his return to NXT. It should be very exciting to see what is next for the new champ. As always, keep it right here for everything WWE and Pro Wrestling.