Call of Duty: Vanguard, the rumored new entry in the series that could be announced this week, will apparently have an alpha test and an open beta. We've now learned what could be the dates for those tests, in addition to the game's release date and when Season 1 will start. This information is coming to light amid the ongoing lawsuit against Activision Blizzard that calls out the publisher for a pattern of sexual harassment and discrimination against women.

Modern Warzone, which has accurately reported on unannounced Call of Duty information before, reports that Vanguard will be announced on August 19. An alpha period will then be held August 27-29 for PlayStation owners, with an open beta coming to PlayStation September 10-12, according to the report. Then from September 16-20, everyone will get to play the Vanguard beta, Modern Warzone reported.

Vanguard will launch on November 5 and its first season will begin on November 23, the report goes on to claim. All of these dates are subject to change, Modern Warzone reported.

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