Last week we got down to the final four men going onto hometowns in Katie's season of The Bachelorette. This week we pick up with Michael, Greg, Blake and Justin remaining and then continue onto this season's Men Tell All. 

Prior to his hometown date, after talking on FaceTime with his son who of course misses him and asks him "why he doesn't want to see him". Michael goes to see Katie and tells her that he has to go home because he can't give 100% to her while his mind is entirely at home concentrating on his son. Very adult, mature way for him to go home. Sucks for Katie this late in the process but it is what it is. And then there were three remaining before hometowns. Does that mean all three guys move onto fantasy suites unless Katie sends one of the others home?

Now, Men Tell All. Which each season I enjoy less and less. First, all the drama of the season, which honestly wasn't as awful this season as it has the last few. First Cody, then Karl, then Hunter. None of which was really interesting at all.

First up on the hot seat with Tayshia and Kaitlyn is Connor B. who was one of Katie's early favorites when he came out of the limo on night one dressed in a cat costume. But he ultimately got sent home because Katie didn't have a connection with him while they kissed. What a kick to the ego being sent home for that reason is. You have to feel bad for the guy. Some random girl in the audience tells Connor that she knows he can't be a bad kisser and she comes down on stage and makes out with him. That's fun. Good for him! Bold move by this girl too!

Next up is Andrew, who emotionally went home in last week's rose ceremony before hometowns. Andrew had the perfect exit from the Bachelorette this season and I could absolutely see them making him the next Bachelor.

Michael is next on the hot seat to talk about how earlier this episode he left the show because of his four year old son at home. He talks about how difficult it was for him to leave when he did but that he knows that it was the right decision for him and his family. He also talks about how he still has feelings for Katie and that he thinks it could still work out with her if she were to want to give it another try but he wouldn't have been able to do it in the environment of the show.

Jason Tartick, Kaitlyn's fiancé who is another member of Bachelor Nation (from Buffalo, NY by the way) is a special guest on the show and they show us their engagement on screen.

Finally, Katie herself comes on stage. The first thing that gets brought up was Michael saying that he would like a second chance if Katie gave him that, but she says that she believes everything happens for a reason and is okay with the result of her and Michael's relationship. Andrew also gives his thanks for the opportunity and gives her his best wishes. 

Thomas joins in via video chat on the Men Tell All. He apologizes for his actions on the show during the season and he again seemed completely not genuine in the way he even apologizes here and is just trying to save face. 

Pretty drama free and boring Men Tell All for Katie. 

In general, I thought the guys on this season besides a few exceptions were some of the best that we've had in recent seasons of The Bachelorette. 

Next week on The Bachelorette, the final three men, Greg, Blake and Justin go into hometowns with Katie meeting their families and a finale to this season that's sure to be emotional and dramatic. 

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