Sunday morning here. It's going to be a good day, the sun is out, the air is clear and clean, and a full morning of UFC blood sports is on.

Ive fed my dogs, walked the back fence line to check all is well, the sinister electric fence is ticking over nicely. I moved the cattle, and now sit with a coffee, as guys and gals kick the shit outta each other.

What could be better!

Oh, did I forget to mention that we're under Lock-Down? Over half the population in The Land Of Aus is locked down. Some places more severe than others. Some places are under martial law. Big fines for breaking the rules...

I am kinda curious about it all, that after a year of on and off lock downs and restrictions and penalties, the powers that-be, are still trying to figure stuff out. A smallish population of 25mil or so, on an island, after a solid 16+ months, are still at risk and are still being controlled.

Yesterday there was to be an "anti-lock-down" rally in Sydney. The second of its kind in a few weeks... The authorities were out in force and prohibited the rally from occurring. Yet, a year ago, the BLM (burn loot n murder) rallies were going full speed in all major metropolis's, without issue. Guess you can protest systemic social injustices, only so far, eh?

The cost of the sloppy controls and regs is huge. Everyone somehow thinks the authorities have money to spend. Just heard a news report saying that the $700 a week "assistance" was not enough to survive. Few folks really, really understand that it is the Taxpayer who is footing the bill, and shall foot this bill for a long time to come.

Like a teen who gets a couple credit cards and maxes them out. It may not look like a lot, a couple 1500$ debts, growing at 18.5%? But as the years tick by and teenhood goes into adulthood, the debts hang around like a millstone for a long, long time.

I'm glad I am an old fart. These lockdowns would bother me if I was, say, 10-20 years younger. If I had a life outside of oldfarthood, if I had things "to-do".

As it is I do feel the inconvenience of it all. Perhaps its more than just an inconvenience?

My mother is 94, lives in Iowa, and is fading. She's a tough old bird, and may well be around for some time, but being able to visit her during the North American summer would be nice.

My daughter, CK, gave birth to a son a few months back. He's our 18th grandpup, CK's first child. They are in The Solomons. Thank goodness for modern social media, but being there would be nice.

A huge portion of our family lives in The Solomons. We have two grandsons, two granddaughters, our son PJ, and his wife here in Aus with us. Which is very good. But the other 14 grand-pups and numerous grown children lead their lives without opportunity of us joining in.

Perhaps, worse of all, my "dream-boat", DD ICE, sits in Gizo. It may as well be on Mars. There is no possible future window of opportunity where I'll be onboard, again. A big part of my "retirement-plan", ICE was to be my oldfart, sea faring adventure. A dream of a life time... Sail the Pacific from West to East. Take a few years, circumnavigate Aus, NZ, head for the equator and explore the islands. Visit many friends along the way. Experience Easter Island from sea. Explore the West Coast of the Americas, from Chile to Alaska.

Yes, I did have grand plans and delusions.

ICE in front of Kolombangara

As predicted over a year ago, the Kung Flu is leading to a very fascist attitude in our modern world. Is it all a "Shamdemic"? The idea that the authorities shall soon require you to "get the jab" is a bit much for me. Here in Aus it is happening as we speak. relaxation of restrictions is now tied to % of population vaxx'd.

I dont think Governments should be making blanket rules that impinge on personal liberties. The lockdowns are of course draconian, and have proven to be of little help, and have caused huge harm. The idea that you MUST get the jab in order to be a member of society is very heavy-handed.

I am not opposed to the Vax. Im not unfamiliar with being vaxed by command... in the old days you had to have a WHO vaccination book to travel to certain places. I still have mine from the 80s.

Shall I get vaxed? Why have I not gotten it yet?

I explained recently that my age and station in life sees me pretty much self isolated without being forced. I have no real desire or need to spend too much time out in public. I have more than enough to occupy my time positively. As I age I find I dislike crowds, being in public. My agoraphobia grows as I age. I probably visit less than six places with any regularity: I buy fuel at one or three places, I buy veggies at the same place weekly, I visit one of 3-4 grocery stores every few days, and buy grog from the same grog-shop all the time. Masks are mandatory in the shops, as is a sign-in through a govt app when you enter a shop.

Face diapers are compulsory in public.

I dont go "out", eat out, have coffee, visit others at all, any more. Have not been one to "go out" for ages. Sunday lunches at the local pub used to be nice, but not any more.

I have taken to buying a lot of what I need on-line. Just ordered a bunch of plywood and paint to build a couple dog houses. Delivery is only 40bucks. But this is nothing new for me. Ive been ordering on line for as long time. Loading and unloading 10 sheets of construction ply is easy, if someone else does the work.

The Vaxx situation has been terribly mismanaged, mis-messaged. According to what I hear, its is not as easy to get the jab as it should be. But I speak secondhand at best. When the times comes I shant be too disagreeable. And the time shall come.

I am watching the terrible situation in Afghanistan get worse. The entire region is poised, once again, to return to the Middle Ages/ the Dark Ages, as the extremists are given back control. Yes, "given back control".

More ineptitude and stupidity is hard to find. A couple decades, a few trillion dollars, several thousand wasted lives, for what?

It's a "been there, done that" T-shirt. I mourn for the people whose lives have been, and shall be ruined. As refugees spill out and put pressure on systems already broken.

Speaking of "broken systems"... I find it sadly humorous that the US0fA is falling further and further down the "rabbit-hole"... I heard that over 1million illegal emigrants have crossed the southern border in this year- to date. Thats almost a quarter of a million people a month. And thats just the Souther border.

Many of the folks crossing are from Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe. The offical-word tells us that the folks are from failed South American countries, but that is only half of the story. Half the truth.

The current situation is such that the word "is out", The Border is open for one and all. So do what you can, be there or be square.

But what about the Cuban refugees that are being sent back? Why the dual standard?

Speaking of dual standards... The DNC led Congress has initiated an investigation into the "insurrection" of January. Refused to let Republicans sit on the committee.

From where I sit, this BS is self-fulling-prophesy. Like the Russian-collusion BS, if you spend enough time and energy and $$ chasing a falsehood, if becomes TruTh.

Speaking of TruTh... there is none.

There used to be many common Truths. Unassailable Truths.

Nothing is unassailable these days.

Nothing is Holy any more.

I was educated by people who taught me about the importance facts. Historical facts, Scientific facts, Numerical facts. Life was based on facts.

Not anymore. And I dont get it.

And thats kinda OK. As stated, I am an olFart. And am hapi being an olFart. I'm kinda good at it. My life is pretty damn good.

For an oldFart.

Smiles all around

More Later...

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